Time for Truth National Day of Action Belfast Banner

Time for Truth Campaign National Day of Action

The families of the Time for Truth Campaign launched a National Day of Action on 25th September.

The Time for Truth Campaign's National Day of Action comprised 41 simultaneous events across Ireland. The families mobilized to protect their basic human rights in the face of the British government's legacy proposals which would offer a de facto amnesty for conflict-related offences and close down present and future police and Police Ombudsman investigations, civil actions, and legacy inquests.

The families of the Time for Truth Campaign demanded little but equal access to due process of the law enjoyed by citizens in Britain and investigations which complied with Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights - basic human rights that Britain wants to ignore in order to bury its war crimes and protect its killers.

Paper Trail's project manager is a spokesperson for the Time for Truth Campaign and he spoke at the Belfast event.

You can listen to his speech above or watch the film which Ciaran Cahill took on the day. Thanks as always to Ciaran Cahill for his great work with our campaign groups.

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