
Information for media, researchers and others when referencing our work.

Please see below for handy media information relating to Paper Trail to help you in your work. If you are a victim and survivor looking for information on Paper Trail, read more here.

Paper Trail Legacy Archive Research

Paper Trail (Legacy Archive Research is a micro-charity with only one employee so we would be very grateful if the media, other charities, campaigns, and organisations reference our work.

Paper Trail will offer the same courtesy to others as collaboration is key to our support. If we have failed to do this ourselves, it is an oversight, so please contact us and we will remedy that.

The work Paper Trail does is time-consuming and costly, and the charity is very lucky to be funded by the Victims and Survivors Service and the Executive Office.

Proper recognition of the charitable work we do and the expertise we offer free to victims and survivors helps promote Paper Trail's services. Contact us to advise if required.


News Articles

Media such as newspapers and documentaries should reference (1) the work of the charity if we have supplied the information; and (2) the source of the information.

For example: "The charity, Paper Trail, discovered this secret file in the National Archives in London."

Paper Trail would also be available to provide a relevant quote.

Press Releases

If, for example, an archive discovered by Paper Trail features in a press release, please reference the charity's work and, ideally, include a relevant quote from the charity about it.

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If Paper Trail's work is central to a report, please include if applicable:

(1) Reference and/or special thanks/recognition at the beginning of Paper Trail's work, preferably along with the author and/or publishing organisation.

(2) Paper Trail's logo

(3) A prominent reference to Paper Trail's charitable mission, our funders, and what our work entailed.

For example:


"Report written/published by [Organisation]


Archives targeted and retrieved by the charity, Paper Trail (Legacy Archive Research). Paper Trail is funded by the Executive Office and the Victims and Survivors Service to support victims and survivors of the conflict in their pursuit of truth and justice."


Executive Summary / Methodology

"The charity Paper Trail (Legacy Archive Research) discovered and retrieved the secret archives in this report. Paper Trail supports victims and survivors of the conflict in Ireland and Britain in their pursuit of truth and justice.  Truth recovery is painstaking work that can entail years of research and hundreds of hours in archives across the two islands."

"Paper Trail is funded by the Executive Office and the Victims and Survivors Service."



Depending on the scale of support from Paper Trail, reference should be made to Paper Trail's discoveries individually or presentations may include a single slide/discussion point with a short overview of Paper Trail's charitable work.


Academic Articles

As well as the proper referencing of academic sources, Paper Trail would be grateful for a special thank you and link to our work if possible, please, so victims and survivors of the conflict can find us.


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